Merit Badges

TROOP 27 DOES NOT ALLOW EAGLE REQUIRED MERIT BADGES TO BE EARNED AT MERIT BADGE FAIRS OR UNIVERSITIES. This policy has been set in order to ensure the quality of Eagle required merit badges.


As per BSA guidelines Troop 27 uses the blue card system for Merit Badges. When a scout wishes to start working on a Merit Badge, he should follow this process:

  1. Scout decides he wants to work on a merit badge.
  2. Scout goes to the Advancement Chair and tells him what merit badge he wants to work on and requests a signed blue card and a counselor.
  3. Advancement Chair looks up which adults have signed up to be a merit badge counselor for the specific merit badge and assigns a counselor to the scout.
  4. Scout talks with the counselor and commences work on the merit badge.
  5. As work progresses, the scout shows his completed work and discusses items with his counselor.
  6. Upon completion, the counselor keeps one part of the blue card for his record. The counselor signs the scout's copy and gives the other two parts of the blue card back to the scout. The scout gets the Advancement Chair to sign the completed card. The scout keeps one part for his record and turns in the third part to the Advancement Chair so that so that the badge gets awarded.
  7. Badge is awarded at the next court of honor.

Merit Badge Library

The troop also maintains a merit badge library made from donated books. After completing a merit badge feel free to donate your book so that others may benefit. See our troop Librarian for a complete list of titles available. The requirements in the merit badge books are the official requirements to earn the badge. Other resources include:

Merit badge information on the web: Merit Badges

Merit Badge Counselors:

Adults can complete a Resource Survey to indicate which merit badges they are interested in serving as counselors. See A Guide For Merit Badge Counseling for more information on being a counselor.