Financial Policy


Financial Assistance Policy BSA Troop 27

A Scout is thrifty. Learning to manage money is one of the ways Scouting prepares young men for life. Earning and budgeting money to accomplish goals helps develop self-reliance and the skills of personal finance management. Although funds raised through troop fundraising activities belong to the unit, these funds can be utilized to reduce the cost of participation and provide financial assistance to individual Scouts based upon their level of participation in specific activities benefiting Troop 27.

These Troop 27 “Scout Accounts” are designed to help make Scouting affordable by offsetting the costs associated with participation in the Troop 27 program. A Scout can use these funds to pay for such expenses as registration and activity fees, uniforms, training classes, and camping costs throughout the Scout’s adventures with Troop 27. Allocations are credited towards the Scout account if the Scout choses to participate in Troop 27 fundraisers. Scouts can use this money to purchase Scout-related gear and camping fees with Troop 27. The Troop Committee has absolute discretion as to whether any particular expenditure is eligible for reimbursement solely based on whether it benefits Troop 27 or a Scout’s participation in Troop 27 Activities. All funds raised belong to the Troop and may not be transferred to the Scout or another unit. When the Scout is no longer active in the Troop or turns 18, they are returned to the general funds.

It is important to note that all revenue generated from Troop 27 fundraising activities can be used ONLY for Troop 27 activities and related expenses. All eligible expenses will need to be purchased by the Scout and then the original receipts must be turned in to the treasurer in order to receive reimbursement from the Scout account. Listed below is how Scouts can use the money allocated in their Scout accounts.

Scout Accounts can be used for:

  • Camping expenses, including fees for campsites, summer & winter camp fees, and High Adventure Camp costs.
  • Travel costs associated with Troop 27 camping activities.
  • Camping gear used on a routine basis (e.g. tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, Nalgene bottles, flashlights, etc.)
  • BSA Uniform & Troop 27 class B (e.g. caps, shirts, pants, boots, yellow shirts, etc.)
  • Expenses associated with merit-badge classes
  • Rechartering fees
  • Court of Honor Meal Cost
  • Training Classes (e.g. NYLT)
  • Scout’s Eagle Court of Honor Banquet expenses

Scout Account allocations CANNOT be:

  • used for Eagle projects
  • transferred to another Scout unit
  • used for specialty gear used 1-2 times per year. (e.g. canoes, bikes, firearms, etc.)